Thursday, December 3, 2009

Techno-optimism does not breed an Ecological Paradigm

Although attitudes may be shifting toward an ecological paradigm according to Dunlap, we are still loosing species and habitat, possibly facing global degradation because the techno-optimist tend to believe that technology will save the human race.

Since Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958, the US economy has grown quite significantly stimulating our national wealth and stability. Our drive for innovation has catalyzed the technological revolution, providing a higher standard of living, allowing the ‘American Dream’ to be realized.

"Investing in the right scientists and the right technologies can improve the human condition quite dramatically." According to Bill Gates as he speaks to motivate the Indonesian people during a Presidential Inauguration speech in 2008. However we need to question his motivations, because they clearly could be financially driven, as his company Microsoft stands to earn billions of dollars during a technological revolution of a 3rd world country as it morphs into a technocratic society.

Find entire essay here:

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

El Niño Drives California Almond and Honey Production Nuts

A. Mellifera and A. Cerana, also known as the honeybee, is considered to be responsible for 1/3 of our total agricultural food pollination and production. However these crops are increasingly subjected to extreme weather events including extreme temperature and precipitation levels from El Niño and possibly climate change. With recent concern over honeybee colony health, it is increasingly important to consider examining the effects of extreme weather events on honeybee ecology.

Honeybees are responsible for pollinating 100% of all almond crops globally. Honeybees are transported thousands of miles to aide in the pollination of large crops like, oranges, apples, alfalfa and almonds. Each blossom has to be visited by a honeybee several times in order to get fertilized by the pollen exchange, and develop seeds in the ovary of the plant. The average blossom needs to be visited at least seven times in order for fertilization to be completed through pollination.

Read entire essay here:
El Niño Drives California Almond and Honey Production Nuts